Monday, March 30, 2015


You've to get behind the mule
in the moring and plow
   -Tom Waits

All we are is dust in the wind


    Well, it's interesting.  With all the focus on climate change we tend to ignore the fact that climate change is just one symptom of our general overshoot.  Our industrial lifestyle is causing so many insults - whether its the 6th great extinction,  the end of wild fishing, or the wild  climate , that we tend to ignore what's under our feet - soil.     As George Monbiot puts it

"Imagine a wonderful world, a planet on which there was no threat of climate breakdown, no loss of freshwater, no antibiotic resistance, no obesity crisis, no terrorism, no war. Surely, then, we would be out of major danger? Sorry. Even if everything else were miraculously fixed, we’re finished if we don’t address an issue considered so marginal and irrelevant that you can go for months without seeing it in a newspaper. "

       That issue is soil.  2015 is the year of soil, and the UN has a pretty stark message for us.   Soil, the basis of 95% of our food, is disappearing.  Its blowing away, and washing away.  Really pretty fast, too.  According to Scientific American

"Generating three centimeters of top soil takes 1,000 years, and if current rates of degradation continue all of the world's top soil could be gone within 60 years, a senior UN official said on Friday."

       Of course, we'll feel the impacts well before we run out.  As population continues to increase while soil productivity decreases, we'll hit the peak per capita food in the not too distant future.  According to soil scientist John Crawford

 "Under a business as usual scenario, degraded soil will mean that we will produce 30% less food over the next 20-50 years. This is against a background of projected demand requiring us to grow 50% more food, as the population grows and wealthier people in countries like China and India eat more meat, which takes more land to produce weight-for-weight than, say, rice."

          It's kind of interesting to think how we got into this situation.  After all we've been plowing for thousands of years.  It's a very effective method of weed control, as the plow breaks the weeds roots, and turns them under, leaving no competition for the seeds to be planted.  But, plowing also loosens the soil, allowing it to dry up and blow away.   The solution to the topsoil problem is a "no till" method, which doesn't solve the weed problem.  Typically that is solved with herbicides, which , of course has its own issues, like impacts to the health of soil, as well the encouragement of "super weeds",.  see more here.

        Time to get out there and make soil!
       How to compost

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Meadows at the Smithsonian

Well its all right
we're going to the end of the line
       -Travelling Willburys

Everybody talks about how badly they were shocked
Me. I expected it to happen,
I knew he'd lost control
       -Bob Dylan 


      In 2012, there was a  colloquium celebrating the 40th anniversary of the release of Limits to a Growth.  The videos were apparently released in 2014, but I just stumbled upon them.   It includes speeches by a Meadows, and Randers, two of the authors as well as a few others.   It  is worth watching, even at this late date.. Meadows speech is here   Slides here
      At one point Meadows distinguishes between technological solutions and social ones.  He points out that we are willing to make changes in our technology by making machines more efficient, or less carbon producing.  But we are unwilling to make the social changes - i.e. population, and lifestyle.  he suggests that the technological changes will be swamped by the continued population and wealth growth.  (see also. Heinberg Only Less Will Do)

    ( See also Ugo Bardi's recent post comparing the climate problem with the problem of world hunger - the hunger problem has been addressed by technological means - turning fossil files into food - which is only a temporary "solution"  and one which leads to a bigger problem later.  Similarly the "solution" to climate change is likely to be technical - geoengineering  - e.g. screening the sun -  without addressing CO2 -  See "How to make a problem bigger"
       Meadows notes that in 1972, the world was not yet in Overshoot, according to the ecological footprint analysis.  Thus, we needed merely to slow down, in order to achieve a sustainable arrangement with the biosphere.  However,by  now, we have thoroughly overshot our long term carrying capacity, and in the process have damaged that capacity, so that as we return to an equilibrium, we will experience a serious decline.   A collapse.  

     Randers is somewhat more optimistic.  He believes, for instance that we could still address climate change through technical means.  He suggest building lots of wind farms in the midwest and lots of electric cars.  But he's not as optimistic about actually doing that.  He suggests that action is impossible in a capitalistic democracy.  He suggests a benign dictatorship, a suggest that our only hope is the Chinese communist party!

         One way to look at the Limits model is in terms of inputs and outputs.  Inputs are the various resources, and outputs would be the various pollutants are their ramifications.   The trends continue to grow until there is some feedback.   The feedback runs through agricultural production to human population.   One of Meadow's slides shows the original BAU curves, to which he adds dates.  2012 appears to be very near the inflection point of the curve for per capita food production.    So perhaps that is a good indicator to watch.   Arguably it could be affected by a resource problems - oil, or water.  Or by pollution - climate change caused drought or floods.  However, this has not yet occurred.  The FAO shows per capita food production continuing to rise.   Food production needs to grow by 60+%, by 2050.   

    Of note:  One of Meadows slides refers to a report by the Netherlands Assessment Agency, called "Growing Within Limits.  It was  issued in 2009 which he shows that we remain on the BAU path projected by the Limits in 1972.    It cites a 2008 study, as follows

"...the ‘standard’ scenario(without policy changes) in the publication showed global collapse in the middle of
the 21st century. Almost four decades since the publication of Limits to Growth in 1972,
Turner (2008) compared the historic trends with the original projections.
This comparison showed the ‘standard’ scenario to be very close to the actual trends
for many variables, such as total population levels, birth and death rates, industrial
output, and per-capita food consumption. For more complicated indices, such as
resource depletion and persistent pollution, the results were more difficult to check.

Using data on energy resources and CO2 concentration for comparison, Turner concluded
that, also for these variables, the Limits to Growth projections reflected past
trends reasonable well. For instance, the report indicated an increase in global CO2
concentrations, from 320 ppm in 1970 to 380 ppm in 2000; in reality the concentration
in 2000 was 369 ppm. In contrast, alternative scenarios presented in Limits to Growth
showed emission projections that lie below the actually observed trend."

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Sunday, March 22, 2015


Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'
       -Dusty Springfield

Even the loser
gets lucky some time
     - Tom Petty


      I ran across this piece by Dave Roberts,   Roberts is a smart guy, a writer for Grist, who most famously did a good Tedx talk, which pulled no punches on our current situation..  Its worth a look see.  He also gets credit, in my mind,  for spreading the word of Kevin Anderson's  expose of climate green washing -  Real Clothes for the Emperor.

      Its easy to have hope, if you don't know the facts.  But Roberts knows the facts, in their most unvarnished form.  So, its worth checking out where he finds.hope. You may find some comfort there. see below.

    PS.  A somewhat different approach to hope is being offered at the First Congregational UCC, on April 18.  See below


For a Future to be Possible

Hope & Fellowship

by David Roberts

Over the last 10 years, I’ve been asked one question more than any other: Is there any hope? Or are we just f*cked?

Regular readers could be forgiven for concluding that we are, indeed, f*cked. On one side, we have the brutal logic of climate change, about which I wrote: If there is to be any hope of avoiding civilization-threatening climate disruption, the U.S. and other nations must act immediately and aggressively on an unprecedented scale.

On the other side, we have the many forces that retard or prevent change. Cognitively, we suffer from status quo bias and loss aversion. 

Psychologically and physiologically, we are designed to heed immediate threats with teeth and eyes, not long-term, incremental, invisible dangers. 

Socioeconomically, power is concentrated in the hands of wealthy incumbents who benefit from the carbon-intensive status quo: fossil fuel companies, the sprawl industry (roads, real estate), Big Ag, airlines, heavy manufacturers, and so on. Politically, we are gripped by polarization, dysfunction, and paralysis. Individually and collectively, we are extremely poor judges of risk, particularly the sort of risk posed by climate change. That makes social change, what Weber called the “slow boring of hard boards,” halting and painful at best.

And so we are stuck, as I said at the end of my TEDx talk, “between the impossible and the unthinkable.”

It’s difficult to see a way out of this dilemma that doesn’t involve considerable suffering. Limiting global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius, the widely agreed-upon threshold beyond which climate impacts are expected to become severe and irreversible, is likely off the table. Widespread adaptive measures are slow in coming, far more expensive than mitigation would have been, and subject to enormous inequality of impact based on wealth and class.

So, in this grim situation, do I have hope? It’s complicated.

What does it mean, exactly, to have hope? It’s not a prediction. If we’re being coldly rational, we look to the climate and economic models that show current trends in fossil fuel use and carbon emissions extending out as far as the eye can see. A Vegas bookie making odds would probably say that the good money’s on us being f*cked.

And hope is surely not just about possibility. Sure, it’s possible we could stop rising temperatures at 2 degrees. There are scenarios floating around that demonstrate how it could happen, if we decided to make it happen. If all hope required was possibility, people wouldn’t be asking the question. So, if not a prediction and not mere possibility, what are we asking about when we ask about hope?

I don’t think it’s about the future as much as it’s about the present. It’s about whether it’s worth it to learn about this stuff, carry the weight of it, talk about it with other people when they don’t want to hear it, fight against overwhelmingly steep odds, suffer daily disappointments and setbacks. If tomorrow we die, would it not be better just to eat, drink, and be merry? What good is all this anxiety, pain, and yearning?

We fear heartbreak. That’s why we reach out for hope.

The sad truth is that there’s no guarantee against heartbreak, in this or anything else. It looks like things are going to get bad, possibly really bad, even within my children’s lifetimes. The decisions we’re making today will reverberate for centuries, and so far we’re blowing it.

With no obvious path to victory (where victory = minimizing suffering and maximizing flourishing in the face of climate change), the question is how to proceed. How do we maintain our equilibrium, our happiness and fighting spirit, with disappointments so common, victories so rare, and unthinkable loss looming?

Though it may seem odd, I find comfort in chaos theory. For all our sophistication, we remain terribly inept at the simple task of predicting what will happen more than a few years out. All our models fail. That means those who predict a steady extension of the status quo will be wrong, too.

The outcome of the climate crisis depends not just on physical forces but on human beings, complex economic, social, and technological systems, and complex systems are nonlinear. We forget this; our instinct is to think the future will look like the recent past, only more so. We don’t anticipate the lateral moves, the lurches, the phase shifts. Because of this, the Very Serious thing to do is always to predict that things will not substantially change. If you say, “There will be a series of brilliant innovations that make clean energy cheap,” or, “There will be a sea change in public opinion on climate,” or, “Young people will take over and revive politics,” you sound like a hippie dreamer. Those aspirations are a matter of faith, a triumph of hope over experience.

And yet: things change! History unfolds along the lines of what Stephen Jay Gould called “punctuated equilibrium.” Things can appear stable for years and years while tensions gather beneath the surface, hairline fractures develop, and the whole system becomes highly sensitive to small perturbations. (The butterflyflaps its wings and causes a hurricane, etc.)

We do not know what those perturbations will be or when they will emerge, but we know from history that Don Rumsfeld’s “unknown unknowns” are inevitable. The North American natural gas boom, the precipitous decline in solar PV prices, the financial crisis — none were widely predicted. And there will be more like them.

Will unexpected, rapid changes in coming decades be good or bad, positive or negative? That depends on millions of individual choices made in the interim. Some of those choices, if they happen at just the right moment, could be just the perturbations that spark cascading changes in social, economic, or technological systems. Some of those choices, in other words, will be incredibly significant.

Which ones? That we cannot know. It could be any of them, any time. Precisely because we cannot know — because any one of our choices might be the proverbial butterfly’s wings — we must act. We must take advantage of everyaffordance, grasp every opportunity. We don’t know when history might unlock the door, so we have no choice but to keep pushing on it.

And really, what else are we going to do?

Remember, there is no “too late” here, no “game over” — it will be a tragedy to shoot past 2 degrees to 3, but 4 is worse than 3, and 5 is worse than 4. Being unprepared for any of those will be much worse than being prepared. The future always forks; there are always better and worse paths ahead. There’s always a difference to be made.

When we ask for hope, then, I think we’re just asking for fellowship. The weight of climate change, like any weight, is easier to bear with others. And if there’s anything I’ve learned in these last 10 years, it’s that there are many, many others. They are out there, men and women of extraordinary imagination, courage, and perseverance, pouring themselves into this fight for a better future.

You are not alone. And as long as you are not alone, there is always hope.


Active Hope: How to face the mess we're in without going crazy.  Saturday, April 18, 2015. 9am-4pm, First Congregational UCC, Salem, OR.
Active Hope is an empowering, creative stance for meeting the many challenges we face:  With our planet and economies in crisis, our political process in chaos, and our cultural story in transition, many of us may feel hopeless, cynical, or despairing. This workshop, based on the work of eco-philosopher Joanna Macy, explores new ways in which we can face these issues, find inspiration, and embody our gifts for the healing of our world.

Through the use of deep dialogue, group ritual, music, and our own wild imaginings, we will explore together the ground of gratitude, honor our pain for the world, and grow our deepened sense of interconnectedness and empowerment as we face, together, the peril and beauty of our changing world. Take time out for a day of respite, healing, creativity and fun.

Facilitated by Barbara Ford: Activist, therapist, facilitator, singer, and artist with over 30 years experience working with individuals and groups to explore the convergence of spirit, creativity, and living an engaged life.
More information at   and required registration at

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Motoring!

He blew his mind out in  acr
He didn't notice that the light had changed

Turn and face the strange
 ch- ch- changes
          David Bowie


    I've been reading an interesting article America, you have three more years to drive normally.   The author notes  

   "Easy driving remains basic to American lifestyle and social identity. For now, Americans are still managing to drive nearly as much as they did a decade ago. But what happens in a few years, when gasoline prices keep going up as wages remain flat, when drivers bid for the same oil needed to heat homes in New England. Who gets the oil and who gets the blame? Will the loss of mainstream driving ability finally create a political tipping point that could lead us to broadly confront and accept natural limits to growth?

The article does a good job of analyzing the geologic and economic situtaion .  Based on that I wonder if perhaps we can break peak oil into three phases..
   Phase one (2005-2008) features a steady rise in prices, which brings out more investment, and more oil. 

   Phase two  kicks in when the price gets  higher than the economy can afford. (2008)    It features  price oscillation, and successive recessions.   Since 2008 we've gone through two such cycles - from $147 , to $30, then $100, and now $50. 
   Perhaps phase three starts when we hit peak liquids, perhaps now, or perhaps once the shale oil runs out. 2016-2017?   No amount of additional investment brings out any increase in total production.  Prices rise.further and the long recession becomes permanent 

Here's the general idea of phase three from  Tom Whipple.   (See also this Ministry of Defence -(UK)  Report summarized here 

If we step back and acknowledge that the shale oil phenomenon will be over in a couple of years and that oil production is dropping in the rest of the world, then we have to expect that the remainder of the peak oil story will play out shortly. The impact of shrinking global oil production, which has been on hold for nearly a decade, will appear. Prices will go much higher, this time with lowered expectations that more oil will be produced as prices go higher. The great recession, which has never really gone away for most, will return with renewed vigor and all that it implies…
All this is telling us that the peak oil crisis we have been watching for the last ten years has not gone away, but is turning out to be a more prolonged event than previous believed. Many do not believe that peak oil is really happening as they read daily of surging oil production and falling oil prices. Rarely do they hear that another shoe has yet to drop and that much worse in terms of oil shortages, higher prices and interrupted economic growth is just ahead. We are sitting in the eye of the peak oil crisis and few recognize it. Five years from now, it should be apparent to all.

      Once the shale "retirement party" is over, the decline takes over - and the decline rate for fracked wells is extraordinary.  Given that shale is currently 55% of total US production, the decline could be very steep.   Here' s a recent projection from Jean Laherre   
roger graphic 5
As we see in Figure 4 (above), Laherrere predicts a very rapid drop in tight oil production after 2017, leading also to a fast decline in total oil from the lower 48 states, in contrast to the EIA.

          Michael Klare has a nice piece about big oil's broken business model.   He notes that the the majors had ten years of gradually rising prices, and naturally thought it would continue.  They invested heavily in high cost projects, confident that they would pay off.    But these projects need the price to average $80 to $100.   While we can expect prices spikes to those prices, what about average prices?   Klare notes that 

"... the IEA believes that oil prices will only average about $55 per barrel in 2015 and not reach $73 again until 2020.  Such figures fall far below what would be needed to justify continued investment in and exploitation of tough-oil options like Canadian tar sands, Arctic oil, and many shale projects.  Indeed, the financial press is now full of reports on stalled or cancelled mega-energy projects.  Shell, for example, announced in January that it had abandoned plans for a $6.5 billion petrochemical plant in Qatar, citing “the current economic climate prevailing in the energy industry.”  At the same time, Chevron shelved its plan to drill in the Arctic waters of the Beaufort Sea, while Norway’s Statoil turned its back on drilling in Greenland."

What about the shorter term?   Between now and 2017, we might have time for one more price spike and drop.    When will the next price spike happen?  This depends on how you see supply and demand changing.  Kopits thinks that low prices will spur demand, and that production in both unconventional, and conventional areas (but not OPEC) , will decline rapidly.  Therefore he sees  a spike but this summer.

The Balance
World Oil Supply MINUS DEMAND (All Petroleum Liquids) Source: Respective monthly reports of the agenciesIn the view of the agencies, supply runs ahead of demand for the balance of the year.  On the other hand, if we apply the Lessons of '86, this surplus evaporates around mid-year, setting the stage for major reversal of outlook heading into 2016.  Were this scenario to be realized, the world would be heading into an oil shock in the first half of next year.

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Science Fiction

I was working in the lab late last night,
when my eyes beheld an eerie sight
      - Bobby Picket  (Monster Mash)

Science can't change you,
Looks like I can't change you
        -Talking Heads


       Denial can take many forms.   The most obvious is where you just stick your fingers in your ears and shout " I can't hear you!".    See e.g. Florida bans use of term "climate change".

           But I recently ran into a more subtle form.  From the IPCC of all all places.  As you know they publish a suite  of projections.  They range from continuing on our merry way doing nothing and hitting 4 degrees by 2100 ( RCP 8.5),  to taking some action to avert disaster.   In the latest round, only one of the options actually gets us below 2 degrees (RCP 2.6) .  
         But unless you read the fine print you might not know that in order to get there, we need to invent and build out a whole new technology - the carbon sucking machine.    So, the IPCC is telling us, and our leaders that it is still possible to avoid dangerous climate change.  Not by a drastic change in our carbon spewing ways,  such as suggested by Kevin Anderson.   But by implementing a technology that doesn't currently exist.    Looking closely at the charts, one can see that the IPCC's  expectation is that we start pulling carbon out of the air by 2020, and that by 2070, emissions actually go negative.. 

      But does this technology actually exist?

          So, how's it going down there in the lab?  Going pretty slow, it seems.  It would seem that capturing carbon at the coal plant would be the easiest, as the carbon is is concentrated.  But so far, progress, has been slow.    Its still very expensive., and both government and utilities are loosing their appetite.  see Obama pulls plug on Future Gen   (Joe Romm)  and      European Utilities drop CCS technology project.
       Meanwhile , some argue that CCS diverts attention from the need to move away from fossil fuels, and the fact that fossil fuels are finite, and will peak soon.  see  Heinberg.  See  also here.  For a review of the current situation see  Carbon Sequestration - Too little too late?   which concludes: 

"Meanwhile, the facts on the ground—and in the air—are quite grim. “So far, we have achieved almost nothing in terms of mitigation of emissions, which are tracking at the upper limit for future emission scenarios. Indeed, in the last decade the world economy has actually recarbonized—shifted back to coal,” says David Victor, professor of international relations and director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation at the University of California, San Diego."


Survivable IPCC projections are based on science fiction - the reality is much worse

Nick Breeze

The IPCC's 'Representative Concentration Pathways' are based on fantasy technology that must draw massive volumes of CO2 out of the atmosphere late this century, writes Nick Breeze - an unjustified hope that conceals a very bleak future for Earth, and humanity.

It is quite clear that we have no carbon budget whatsoever. The account, far from being in surplus, is horrendously overdrawn. To claim we have a few decades of safely burning coal, oil and gas is an utter nonsense.

The IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) published in their latest report, AR5, a set of 'Representative Concentration Pathways' (RCP's).

These RCP's (see graph, right) consist of four scenarios that project global temperature rises based on different quantities of greenhouse gas concentrations.

The scenarios are assumed to all be linked directly to emissions scenarios. The more carbon we emit then the hotter it gets. Currently humanity is on the worst case scenario of RCP 8.5 which takes us to 2°C warming by mid century and 4°C warming by the end of the century.

As Professor Schellnhuber, from Potsdam Institute for Climate Research (PIK) said, "the difference between two and four degrees is human civilisation."

In 2009 the International Union of Forest Research Organisations delivered a report to the UN that stated that the natural carbon sink of trees could be lost at a 2.5°C temperature increase.

The ranges for RCP 4.5 and RCP 6 both take us over 2.5°C and any idea that we can survive when the tree sink flips from being a carbon sink to a carbon source is delusional.

Where does this leave us?

Of the four shown RCP's only one keeps us within the range that climate scientists regard as survivable. This is RCP 2.6 that has a projected temperature range of 0.9°C and 2.3°C.

Considering we are currently at 0.85°C above the preindustrial level of greenhouse gas concentrations, we are already entering the range and as Professor Martin Rees says: "I honestly would bet, sad though it is, that the annual CO2 emissions are going to rise year by year for at least the next 20 years and that will build up accumulative levels close to 500 parts per million."

The recent US / China agreement supports Rees's contentions. But even if Rees is wrong and we do manage to curtail our carbon emissions, a closer look at RCP 2.6 shows something much more disturbing.

In his image (see graph, right), IPCC SMP Expert Reviewer David Tattershall has inserted vertical red lines to mark the decades between years 2000 and 2100. Within this 21st Century range he has also highlighted a steep decline in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (shown by the steep declining thick red line).

It is interesting that concerted action for emissions reductions is timed to occur just beyond the date for the implementation of a supposed legally binding international agreement.

Stopping emissions does not reduce atmospheric carbon. The emissions to date are colossal and the warming effect is delayed by around 40 years. Therefore, even if we halt emissions, we know there is much more warming to come. That will also set off other positive feedbacks along the way that will amplify the warming further, stretching over centuries.

So how does the IPCC achieve these vast reductions in greenhouse gases?

If we look at the vertical red lines, at around 2025 the steep decline in atmospheric greenhouse gases begins. Accumulated emissions not only are reduced to zero in 2070 but actually go negative.

This chart shows that carbon is removed from the atmosphere in quantities of hundreds of billions of tonnes, for as far ahead as 2300 to sustain a temperature beneath 2°C.

What makes this idea of projected large-scale Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) even more perverse is the talk by policymakers of a "carbon budget". This refers to the amount of fossil fuel that can be burned before we are at risk of reaching a 2°C rise in global mean temperature.

It is quite clear that we have no carbon budget whatsoever. The account, far from being in surplus, is horrendously overdrawn. To claim we have a few decades of safely burning coal, oil and gas is an utter nonsense.

Sequestering billions of tonnes of carbon for centuries

If all of the above has not raised any alarm bells then perhaps it is time to consider the proposed methods for sucking the billions of tonnes of carbon out of the atmosphere.

In February 2015 the National Research Council in the United States launched their two reports on "climate interventions". Dr Nutt concluded with this statement on CDR:

"Carbon Dioxide Removal strategies offer the potential to decrease carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere but they are limited right now by their slow response, by their inability to scale up and their high cost."

Dr Nutt's conclusion points to very important factor that we can elaborate on with a rare case of certainty. There is no proposed CDR technology that can be scaled up to suck billions of tonnes out of the Earth's atmosphere. It simply does not exist in the real world.

This is reiterated by Dr Hugh Hunt in the Department of Engineering, at the University of Cambridge, who points out:

"10 billion tonnes a year of carbon sequestration? We don't do anything on this planet on that scale. We don't manufacture food on that scale, we don't mine iron ore on that scale. We don't even produce coal, oil or gas on that scale. Iron ore is below a billion tonnes a year! How are we going to create a technology, from scratch, a highly complicated technology, to the tune of 10 billion tonnes a year in the next 10 years?"

Science fiction

It is not just that there are currently no ideas being researched to such a degree where they are likely to be able to bring down atmospheric carbon to a safe level of around 300 parts per million. It is also that the level of funding available to the scientists doing the research is woefully inadequate.

These RCP's are used by policymakers to decide what actions are required to sustain a safe climate for our own and future generations. The information they are using, presented by the IPCC, is nothing more than science fiction.

It makes for sober thinking when glossy images of President Obama and the Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, are presented to the world shaking hands on global emissions reductions by 2030 that we know will commit us to catastrophe

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Monday, March 9, 2015

Watch out for the Kool Aid

He was trying to create the next world war
He found a promoter who nearly fell off the floor
He said "I've never engaged In the kind of thing before
But yes, it can be easily done"
    - Bob Dylan

And it's one, two, three
What are we fighting for?
    - Country Joe


       Anyone who watches the nightly news is familiar with the "good looking natural  gas gal".  She walks around refineries explaining how great the US's energy situation is.   The US is sitting pretty.   We're kicking Saudi Arabia's butt !   We're number ONE!   Yeah Baby. 
      This really appeals to red blooded male Americans and makes them feel pretty good.   Those of you know a little about the energy situation, though might give her speech  a slightly different reading.   Here's one possibility.  The price of natural gas in the US is too low,  much lower than it is in the rest of the world.  Its hard to make money at that price.  The gas companies would prefer to sell the gas a higher price.  Either here, or elsewhere. (Current price in US - $3; in Eu $8, and in Japan $16 - here ) So, they want to build export terminals.   But first they have to convince the American public, that we've got so much gas we can meet our own needs and sell to Europe, to Ukraine, and to Asia.  

      You might contrast this with a nice presentation from Art Berman, which is quite funny, and very informative.    Here are the slides   And he succeeds in putting  the pretty gal's rhetoric in perspective.  Yes, the US is producing more than SA.  But we are not "oil independent " by any stretch.  We still import 44% of the oil we consume.   And even according to the EIA,  we will probably never be "oil independent" -   Starting in 2016 when shale oil peaks, we will import a greater and greater percentage each year.  Forever..   Yes we are producing oil faster than SA, but doesn't mean we have more to produce.  In terms of reserves, we are not number one.....or number two.  We are number 10.  

      The gas story, is not quite as bad, but it's has the same idea.  We produce enough to meet our own needs,  but not for long.  (Although the EIA says we have 100 years of supply , or maybe 40 - Little known fact - the EIA has no geologists on staff)  According to independent studies by geologists such as the University of Texas study, and a  study by David Hughes  (Drilling Deeper), US gas production  will peak in the early 2020's .     Or perhaps sooner, if we start shutting down coal plants?   see Flurry of Coal Power Shutdowns Expected by 2016

     Now, as it turns out most of our political leaders, and opinion makers, are in fact red blooded American males.   And they prefer the story that the pretty natural gas lady is telling.   Perhaps that explains the fact that they are beating the drums of war with Russia.     And the media, ever vigilant, is constantly  letting us know just how bad the Russians really are.   But see here, for a different view, (from a Pulitzer Prize nominated investigative reporter).   I just hope we don't have another "Gulf of Tonkin"  event  (or non -event)
         The energy angle is, of course natural gas. Russia supplies  a good portion of Europe's natural gas consumption.   If those shipments were interrupted, could the US step in?    Don't count on it.    Below Richard Heinberg suggests that if we are relying on "surplus" US natural gas to bail out the Europeans, we may have a surprise coming.

      Berman has an interesting spin on the oil business.  He looks at the public filings of  the shale drillers.  Cumulatively they have $17 trillion in debt,  and they expect to pay it with negative cash flow.  In the first 3/4 of 2014  (before the price crashed)  they lost $14 billion. In 2013 they lost $13 billion.    They spend $1.20 and make a $1.00.  This is not a model than can work for long.   These companies were in trouble when oil was selling at $95.  How high will it need to go for them dig out of this hole?  

      But it is working now, because the companies can continually roll over the debt, and the lenders are "betting on the come".  They are convinced that there is lots of oil in the ground, to the loan is secured by a "real asset".  The company may go broke, but the asset remains.  But the asset has to really be there, and the price of that asset has stay high enough to make money.  Right now, it isn't.



Is the US Overplaying Its Energy Hand?

In the grand poker game of geopolitics, energy is often the wild card. That’s why the Middle East is such a mess: Great Powers (first Britain, more recently the United States) have been installing, propping up, toppling, threatening, or bribing regimes in that region — almost always to the detriment of indigenous populations — ever since the first oil discovery there prior to World War I.
Oil and natural gas interests are clearly implicated in current turmoil in or around Libya, Iraq, Syria, and Iran—and also Ukraine. In each instance it requires some historical context to understand the peculiarities of the situation; let’s focus for a moment on the last of these countries.
Ukraine has long been a transit route for Russian gas destined for Europe. The fact that Russia is an energy superpower is frustrating to Anglo-American geopolitical strategists, who see Eurasia as the key square on the “grand chessboard” (to use Zbigniew Brzezinski’s phrase) for maintaining global dominance. Hence their strategy of hemming Russia’s western flank with NATO bases, and their more recent tactic of subverting the constitutional (although thoroughly corrupt) Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanukovych (via injections of CIA cash to foment violent demonstrations) and immediately legitimizing the coup that overthrew him. Washington evidently would like either to control or to destabilize and weaken Russia; this, after all, is the way the West has dealt for decades with energy exporters in the Middle East. If Moscow won’t be the next Riyadh or Kuwait City, then let it become the next Tehran. This strategy makes many people in Europe nervous: they don’t much like dependency on Russia for energy imports, but they positively dread the prospect of being somehow cut off from needed supplies of natural gas.
This is clearly a dangerous game. Russia still has a formidable nuclear arsenal, and Europe’s economy is too important to toy with. However, American geopolitical strategists evidently think they have grounds for strategic boldness. In the last few years, the United States has begun hinting broadly that Europeans have nothing to fear from joining enthusiastically in an anti-Russia campaign: if push comes to shove, America could fill pipelines extending all the way from Bulgaria to Ireland with natural gas originating in the fracked shales of Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Indeed, there’s supposedly so much of the stuff that customers in Japan and South Korea might as well start preparing to luxuriate in liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the good ol’ USA, too. Some boosters of the American domestic energy industry even suggest the country might become such a significant oil exporter that it supplants the global roles of OPEC and Russia. (Here’s Jeb Bush, exhibiting his family’s famously elegant syntax in a Chicago speech last week: “As we grow our presence by growing our ability to produce oil and gas, we also make it possible to lessen the dependency that Russia now has on top of Europe.”)
There’s just one flaw in this plan: there probably isn’t and won’t be enough natural gas to enable US exports of any significant magnitude. And certainly not enough oil.
USS Montebello, a U.S. oil tanker sunk by the Japanese in 1941. Source: NOAA
USS Montebello, a U.S. oil tanker sunk by the Japanese in 1941. Source: NOAA
On the surface, there seems to be evidence to support the claim of resource abundance. According to projections from The Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistical arm of the United States Department of Energy, shale gas production in 2040 will be 40 percent higher than it is currently, while tight oil production will declined only moderately from its current 4 million barrels per day to 3.2 million barrels per day.
However, these projections are disputed by many veteran analysts, notably including a prestigious team of geoscientists from the University of Texas,  independent petroleum geologist Art Berman, and David Hughes, who is associated with my organization, Post Carbon Institute, and has spent most of his career studying the energy resources of Canada. These skeptics point out that shale gas and tight oil wells typically decline rapidly (with production dropping roughly 70 percent in the first year), and that production tends to be profitable only within core areas (“sweet spots”) within much larger fuel-bearing geological formations. As these sweet spots are drilled out, each “play” will enter production decline (as has already occurred in the Haynesville and Barnett shale gas regions).
Further, horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing—techniques used to wring oil and gas from shale and tight reservoirs—are expensive, so oil and gas prices need to be at historically high levels to justify them. During the last decade, the depletion of conventional oil and gas in North America and elsewhere around the world forced oil and gas prices up to economy-crushing levels. With a barrel of crude selling for $100 or so, the application of extreme extraction technologies to produce oil from low-quality reservoirs began to make sense. But the business also entailed a lot of risk and required staggering levels of debt. Historically rock-bottom-low interest rates plus boatloads of hype made it possible for small, risk-friendly companies to raise the needed capital.
One of the biggest risks of this business model was that oil prices would fall, which is exactly what has happened during the past six months. Despite all the recent talk of “cheap oil,” current prices (at about $50 a barrel) actually align with the long-term inflation-adjusted historic average—but that’s too low a price to make fracking for tight oil profitable, and drilling rigs are falling idle.
The oil price collapse has also wrecked prospects for profits from American LNG exports. In much of the world, natural gas prices are tied to oil prices. When oil prices were stratospheric, gas prices in Europe and Asia were so high, relative to North American prices, that spending money on building export terminals and tankers, and on cooling and pressurizing trillions of cubic feet of methane, seemed to make economic sense. Now that world oil prices have fallen by half, the difference between US and rest-of-world gas prices is not large enough to justify such investments.
The skeptics say the EIA has not taken these problems seriously and doesn’t integrate them properly into its forecasts. In his landmark report Drilling Deeper, Hughes notes that “The EIA, which is viewed as perhaps the most authoritative source of US energy production forecasts, has consistently overestimated future production.” (Others have made the same observation.) He continues:
“The EIA’s forecast strains credibility, given the known decline rates, well quality by area, available drilling locations, and the number of wells that would need to be drilled to make that [forecast rate of production] happen.”
Most Likely Drilling Rate Gas Production from Major Shale Plays through 2040 compared to EIA Shale Gas Forecast. Source: Drilling Deeper
Most Likely Drilling Rate Gas Production from Major Shale Plays through 2040 compared to EIA Shale Gas Forecast. Source: Drilling Deeper
While the EIA sees US shale gas production growing through 2040, Hughes forecasts: “Production from these plays peaks in 2016 at nearly 34 Bcf/d and declines to below 16 Bcf/d by 2040, or [by] more than 50%.” This is an enormous difference: if the EIA estimate is accurate, there is indeed the possibility of gas exports—though that would require the oil/gas price differential to increase; and even then there would not be nearly enough gas to supply all of Europe’s needs, in addition to those of American customers. But if Hughes is right, natural gas exports are laughably unlikely and the United States is probably headed into a gas supply crisis in the next decade.
Hughes sees US tight oil production rates topping out around the same time as those of shale gas (i.e., before 2020), and declining much further and faster than the EIA estimates.
Most Likely scenario projections of oil production for the Bakken and Eagle Ford plays with the remaining amount of production that would be required from other plays to meet the EIA’s total reference case forecast. Source: Drilling Deeper
Most Likely scenario projections of oil production for the Bakken and Eagle Ford plays with the remaining amount of production that would be required from other plays to meet the EIA’s total reference case forecast. Source: Drilling Deeper
Why should we believe David Hughes rather than the EIA? Read his report for yourself: it’s thorough, transparent, and logical—something that cannot be said for the forecasts in the EIA’s latest Annual Energy Outlook.  And while EIA has been wrong in its production forecasts more often than it has been right, Hughes is building an impressive track record. In 2011, the EIA published a report estimating the size of the oil reserves in California’s Monterey shale basin at over 15 billion barrels; surely high rates of production would soon boost the Golden State’s economy. With help from PCI, Hughes prepared a thorough geological review of the basin and concluded that the EIA estimate was dramatically overstated. The EIA subsequently downgraded its estimate by 96 percent, to 0.6 billion barrels.  And the promised Monterey shale production boom has not materialized.
Even normally insightful energy commentator Michael Klare seems to have bought into to the new narrative of US resource abundance. In a recent article he critiques Republican plans to create “a North American power bloc capable of aggressively taking on Russia, China, and other foreign challengers,” and implicitly accepts that it is physically possible for such plans to work. It would have been useful to his argument against US energy imperialism and continued fossil-fuel energy dominance to point to evidence that North America simply doesn’t have sufficient resources to support oil or gas exports, but nowhere does he hint at this.
Commentators and politicians believe the EIA because they assume it is the highest authority on the matter. That’s understandable. But do the current policy makers in Washington — in the State Department, Pentagon, and CIA — also privately stand behind official production forecasts? Or is all the talk about the US using oil and gas exports to neutralize Russia’s influence just a bluff?
If they do believe their own talking points, they have embarked on a game they cannot win by making promises they probably cannot even begin to fulfill.
If they don’t believe the hype — that is, if this is all a bluff — then it is a deeply cynical strategy (in the very worst sense of the word). Instead of helping prepare America, Europe, and the rest of the world for an inevitable post-hydrocarbon future, these policy makers are using exaggerated resource estimates merely to score points in a game, while the global arena in which that game is being played is about to be engulfed by economic and ecological catastrophe.
My guess is that the Washington power brokers really believe what they are saying. The level of energy literacy among policy makers is abysmal. And with the EIA feeding them misinformation, what else are they to do but try to use it to their advantage? After all, the message of resource abundance is what they want to hear and believe.
This is how empires crash: the folks in charge pay their information ministries to come up with only good news; rulers act on the basis of unrealistic assumptions; reality bites; and when it does, no one is prepared.
The evidence suggests the United States is playing energy poker with a pair of jacks in its hand, but betting as if it had four aces. Washington can only hope the rest of the world is populated with terrible and unlucky poker players; otherwise, this game could end in bitter feelings at best, gunfire at worst.

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Too cheap to meter

It's going to be a bright sun shiny day
    Jimmy Cliff

The futures so bright
I gotta wear shades
     - Timbuk3


       I've been seeing all sorts of great stuff on renewable power lately.    Stuff like :PV cost drops 99%;  By 2030 All new energy will be provided by solar or wind.- All new mass-market vehicles will be electric.   

         I hope its all true, but as suggested below, the renewable world we are heading for may not look quite the way its portrayed.  

   The touchstone for a lot of this optimism, is a 2013 study by Mark Jacobson of Stanford University,  discussing a way for New York State to be powered purely by renewable power  see here.  For a review of a critique of that study by researchers in the Engineering Dept of Carnegie Mellon  see see here.   for other critiques see here.    Let's just say that this feasibility of his appraoch is still an open question.  

      But, let's not be so negative.  Suppose it were all true. 

     I recently came across a really good essay by Richard Heinberg, of the post Carbon Institute. Entitled " Our renewable future ".  It really covers all the bases, and I recommend you read for yourselves.   Here is an interview with him, which will also give you the flavor of the article.

      He makes a lot of good points.  First, of course we need to stop burning fossil fuels!  ( Which is no big surprise to hear from a  "post carbon" fellow! ).  So we need to move to an all renewable economy.   And of course that means lots of wind and solar.      

       So, lets fast forward to 2030, or when ever.  The remaining coal is left in the ground, either through carbon taxes, or market forces.   Most of energy consumption is in the form of electricity, generated by wind and solar.

       First, energy will be a lot more expensive.   This may seem inconsistent with the dropping price of solar panels. One reason is that, capacity costs for wind and solar are much higher.  This is from a Brookings Institute Report

"To place these additional costs in context, the average cost of electricity to U.S. consumers in 2012 was 9.84 cents per KWH, including the cost of transmission and distribution of electricity. This means a new wind plant could at least cost 50 percent more per KWH to produce electricity, and a new solar plant at least 200 percent more per KWH, than using coal and gas technologies."

      Furthermore  "all renewable" system will need more than just turbines and panel.  It will need storage.  (and lots of long range transmission)  .    This storage problem is what stopped the folks at Google, who looking into creating a renewable package that was cheaper than fossil fuels.  They couldn't do it with today's technology, and couldn't foresee a way it could be done in the near future.

       It's interesting to see what the Google folks actually said.  They were hoping to start a market transformation - one that  would make fossil fuels unnecessary, and would eventually bring the CO2 down to 350ppm. 

       "We decided to combine our energy innovation study’s best-case scenario results with Hansen’s climate model to see whether a 55 percent emission cut by 2050 would bring the world back below that 350-ppm threshold. Our calculations revealed otherwise. Even if every renewable energy technology advanced as quickly as imagined and they were all applied globally, atmospheric CO2 levels wouldn’t just remain above 350 ppm; they would continue to rise exponentially due to continued fossil fuel use. So our best-case scenario, which was based on our most optimistic forecasts for renewable energy, would still result in severe climate change, with all its dire consequences: shifting climatic zones, freshwater shortages, eroding coasts, and ocean acidification, among others. Our reckoning showed that reversing the trend would require both radical technological advances in cheap zero-carbon energy, as well as a method of extracting CO2 from the atmosphere and sequestering the carbon."
(Paradoxically, although the reenewable power wont be sufficient to stop Climate change, it may be enough to drive the Utilities into a death spiral.   NYT:  Solar power growth falters as utilities balk     But see Interesting bill in Oregon -  Bill to ban coal, limit natural gas expansion)

   Second, the energy costs of the all renewable system ( including storage) are also high.  This means they have a low EROI.   So there will be less energy " profit" to run all the non energy parts of the economy. 

    Heinberg refers to the EROI study by Weißbach et al., Energy 52 (2013).        Found here.  In that paper the EROI of solar,  wind , and solar CSP (with storage) is found to be 1.8, 3.9 and 9.   In contrast coal and nat gas generation are 30 and 28.    The following chart provides some idea of what "energy profit" is needed to support various non-energy activities.

      Happily,  this problem doesn't arise immediately, as long as we continue to use fossil fuel plants as our energy storage.  As it stands right now, we can add solar and wind any time we want, and fossil fuel plants to back off.  In the evenings or when the wind is low, the plants pop back on.  (see graphs below - illustrating Germany's solar generation profile over the day.  

      In the US, non hydro renewables provided 7.3 % in the first half of 2014.  That's a small enough amount to be fair;y easily addressed.  Its not clear how high that can get before causing trouble.  Estimates range from 30-80%.  Heinberg says:

"Grid managers tend to say that the inflection point arrives when solar and wind power provide about 30 percent of total electricity demand, though one computer model suggests it could be put off until 80 percent market penetration is achieved. (For two contrasting views on the question of how expensive and difficult intermittency makes the renewables transition—from renewable energy optimists Jacobson and Delucchi on one hand, and from “The Simpler Way” advocate Ted Trainer on the other—see a highly informative peer-reviewed exchange herehere, and here.) 

  So, how will things look in 2030?  Well hopefully we will be well on our way to the "renewable" economy.  If not we will have locked in 2 degrees, probably more.    Perhaps there will be a barrtery breakthrough.   But don't bet on it.  See this article from MIT Technology Review  Why we don't have battery break throughs:       


Large scale grid integration of solar power – many problems, few solutions

by Roger Andrews
On Sunday, July 7th, 2013, a day of unbroken sunshine and low demand, solar PV generated approximately 200 GWh of power, over 20% of Germany’s total electricity production for the day. (I’m indebted to CleanTechnica for the bar graphs):
And because peak sunshine and peak demand are more or less coincident on summer Sundays in Germany there was no serious problem admitting all of this solar electricity to the grid:

There was, however, one minor difficulty. The surge of solar power caused generation to exceed consumption for about ten hours and as a result about 13% of it, shown by the orange bars at the bottom of the graph above, had to be exported to other countries in the Central West Europe market region. The graph below moves the orange bars up to the top to illustrate the size of the surplus relative to consumption:
Surpluses like this are of course not large enough to cause a problem, and can in fact be eliminated simply by backing off a little on other forms of generation. But solar supplied only 5.7% of Germany’s total electricity generation in 2013, and if this is as far as it ever gets it’s not going to move Germany very far along the path to sustainable energy. Solar has to get much bigger to do that, and here we will briefly examine some of the obstacles that stand in its way.
How much bigger does solar have to get? Market analysts have predicted that it could ultimately supply 25% of Germany’s electricity, so we’ll use that as the target. Meeting it would require scaling up by a factor of 4.4 relative to 2013, with annual solar generation increasing from ~30TWh to ~130TWh and installed solar capacity from ~35GW to ~ 150GW. We can’t of course predict what consumption will be when and if this happens, but if 150GW of solar PV capacity had been in place on July 7th, 2013, this is what the generation mix would have looked like:
There would have been huge oversupply of solar electricity. Solar would have generated ~800 GWh, representing about half of total German electricity generation for the day, but only about 200 GWh of it could have been admitted to the grid, barely more than was admitted to the grid in 2013, all other things being equal. So in this example expanding PV capacity by a factor of 4.4 would have increased solar penetration by a effectively zero. (Note that the numbers given here and later in the text are scaled off graphs and are therefore approximate, although this does not impact the basic conclusions.)
However, conventional generation would presumably have been cut back to accommodate as much of the solar surplus as possible, and the graph below summarizes the impacts of doing this. By cutting conventional generation to zero between 8 am and 5 pm (wind, hydro and biomass generation are left unchanged) about 450 GWh of solar, representing about 45% of total generation, could have been admitted to the grid. But this still leaves a surplus of about 350 GWh:
And July 7th was a fairly typical summer Sunday. The solar surplus would have been similar on most weekends during the summer of 2013. Weekday surpluses would have been smaller because weekday demand averages 10-15 GW higher than weekend demand, so more conventional generation could have been taken out of service to admit more solar, but weekday surpluses would still be on the order of 150 GWh/day. The average of the weekend and weekday surpluses would be around 250 GWh/day.
A rough calculation based on these numbers indicates that if Germany installs enough PV capacity to supply 25% of its annual electricity consumption, and if no storage capacity or other means of matching production to load is available, and if the load curve remains substantially the same as it is now, about 20% of the solar electricity would have to be “spilt”, meaning that Germany would actually obtain only 20% of its electricity from solar. Additional PV capacity could be added to increase the solar contribution, but most of the added generation would get wasted because there would be nowhere to send it. Clearly the approach of expanding PV generation without anywhere to store the surplus power is not viable.
The question therefore becomes, is there any way of storing solar power surpluses for short-term re-use? Not with solar PV using existing storage technology. But it could be done with concentrated solar power (CSP), which uses heliostats to reflect solar energy into heat-retaining reservoirs containing a fluid (usually molten salt) that delivers steam to conventional turbines both when the sun is shining and when it isn’t. CSP plants can in fact act as load-following or even baseload capacity if enough storage is available, and this capability has been demonstrated at the Gemasolar CSP plant in Spain, which last year completed 36 days of continuous 24/7 operation. (Even Forbes was enthusiastic.)
So why aren’t there more CSP plants? Because a) they aren’t suitable for domestic use and b) they are much more expensive than solar PV plants.
But capital costs are actually not all that much higher. The Gemasolar plant (technical details here) is an example. It has a rated capacity of 19.9 MW and cost 230 million euros to build, which works out to 11,500 euros per installed KW, roughly five times the cost of a 19.9mW PV plant. Ofsetting this, however, is the fact that Gemasolar produces ~110 GWh a year, about three times as much as a 19.9 MW PV plant would produce, and at a much higher load factor (officially 63%, with recent estimates of up to 75%).
How can a solar plant have load factors this high? Because 19.9 MW is the capacity of the turbines, not the capacity of the solar array. The heliostats that melt the salt that produces the steam that drives the turbines in fact have a capacity of 76 MWe (304,750 sq m at 2,172 KWh/sq m/yr), giving an installed cost of slightly over 3,000 euros/KWe, not that much higher than the cost of an equivalent PV array. The 17% load factor calculated using the 76MW number is also comparable to the ~18% average for PV plants in Spain.
On a levelized cost basis, however, CSP electricity is about twice as expensive as PV electricity, with the Fraunhofer Institute estimating levelized costs at 6-10 euros/KWh for PV and 14-19 euros/KWh for CSP. But as Fraunhofer points out: “the advantage of the ability to store energy and the dispatchability of CSP …. was not taken into account.” How big an advantage is this? In the case of Germany very big indeed, because with CSP it could generate 25% of its annual electricity from solar with effectively no spillage at all.
So what’s not to like about CSP? Three things. First, it doesn’t work very efficiently at 50 degrees latitude, but for the purposes of analysis we can consider Germany as a generic example that would apply to sunnier countries closer to the Equator, such as the US.
Second, CSP storage can smooth out only short-term fluctuations. It can’t smooth out the huge seasonal changes in solar output that occur at higher latitudes and which are usually anticorrelated with demand. The next two plots of total monthly electricity generation and solar generation in Germany illustrate the problem (data from Fraunhofer):
Even with solar providing only 5.7% of Germany’s electricity, as it did in 2013, Germany would have to install about 8 TWh of storage to convert the seasonal fluctuations in solar output into continuous baseload generation, and at the 25% level it would need over 30 TWh. Installing this much storage capacity in Germany or anywhere else for that matter is far beyond the bounds of feasibility (current worldwide pumped storage capacity amounts to only 1 TWh). With 25% annual CSP generation Germany would therefore get 40-50% of its electricity from solar in the summer when it least needs it but only about 5% of its electricity from solar in the winter when it needs it most. So while expanding CSP capacity will have a positive overall impact on Germany’s renewable generation mix it will do little or nothing to reduce the requirement for large amounts of conventional backup generation.
Note: Some of the winter shortfall could theoretically be filled by wind power, which is positively correlated with demand over the seasonal cycle in Northern Europe, but integrating large quantities of wind power with the grid poses problems of its own. These problems were discussed in earlier posts herehere and here.
Third, it would be roughly three times cheaper for Germany to add low-carbon generation capacity by building nuclear rather than CSP plants, and nuclear delivers power at a steady rate without the need for storage and whether the sun is shining or not.

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