Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cars: Electric vs Hydrogen

Greetings Peaksters

       Assuming that the oil crunch is likely to arrive in the next 2 to 5 years  ( )\
, it becomes pretty important to decide how we are going to get around.  Peak oil is a liquid fuel problem after all,  and that means a transportation problem.   In this country anyway,  98% of transport runs on liquid fuels.   

        So what's plan B?    Will we move to electric  vehicles (EV's)  or perhaps hydrogen  (Fuel cell)?   And which _should_ we move to?    "Clean" EV's run on electricity which in this country is about 45% coal.   Lot's of CO2 there.    On the other hand "clean" hydrogen is made from natural gas, which results in some improvement, but probably not enough to meet our climate change goals.  And it would require a whole new infrastructure!

        Decisions!  Decisions!   

Cheap hydrogen cars coming! Good news? Well… by at 11:47 AM on January 30, 2011.

Autoblog Green has the short story of a surprising claim by one car company,Daimler: Fuel cell vehicles to cost no more than diesel hybrids by 2015.
This is terrific news, right? Hydrogen fuel cell cars emit nothing but water vapor, after all. Can’t get much cleaner than that.
It’s not quite that simple, of course. (Honestly, what is that simple in the general categories of energy and climate?)
There’s always the issue of refueling infrastructure when you’re requiring a new fuel for direct mass consumption. And hydrogen fueling stations are anything but cheap, running into the millions for each one, thanks in part to some of hydrogen’s nastier qualities, like that whole “burns with an invisible flame” thing, plus the fact that it’s very prone to leaking.
But let’s be generous and assume that via the Magic Of The Marketplace and/or brute force government subsidies and mandates we build enough refueling stations and in the locations where needed to avoid the classic chicken-and-egg problem. So consider that non-trivial issue trivialized and dismissed with a hand wave.
Where do we get that steady flow of hydrogen to feed that spiffy new refueling infrastructure, and ultimately, the vehicles?
We can make it from natural gas, which is where the vast majority of our hydrogen production comes from today. Surely we can scale that up to meet the needs of these vehicles. I have no doubt we could do that, although that raises the nasty issue of CO2 emissions. When we crack CH4 to get those four H’s, we wind up with that C joining a pair of oxygen atoms and making CO2. And then we have to either sequester it forever (read: depend on bad science fiction for a solution) or make believe it doesn’t exist and dump it into the atmosphere. Playing with the atomic weights tells us that CH4 + 2H2O = 4H2 + CO2 means we’re turning 16 kg of CH4 and 36 kg of H2O into 8 kg of H plus 44 kg of CO2. Oops. Assuming your roughly Civic-size hydrogen fuel cell vehicle gets 70 miles to a kg of H, that means you’re emitting 5.5 kg of CO2, albeit indirectly, for every 70 miles you drive. That’s about 0.17 lbs of CO2 per mile, compared to roughly 0.5 lbs of CO2 per mile for a plain old gasoline car that gets 40 miles per gallon and will probably still cost less than just the fuel cell in an HFCV in 2015, even if Daimler achieves the stunning price reduction it claims. So you’re not saving 100% of the CO2 emissions, merely 66%, which isn’t nearly good enough, given the reductions needed. Double oops.[1][2]
But wait — you just remembered that we can make hydrogen via electrolysis. You probably did it in a high school or college lab at least once, right? Yes, that works, and it avoids the nasty CO2 emissions during the generation process, but at the cost of a lot of electricity. If you take a few minutes to hop over to the reports page of the European Fuel Cell Forum and download Ulf Bossel’s E21 paper, “Does a Hydrogen Economy Make Sense?”, you’ll see a very detailed analysis that shows an EV can travel three times farther than a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle can using a given amount of electricity. And that’s a very big deal, simply because virtually all electrified countries will be very hard pressed to de-carbonize their electricity production in the coming decades, and throwing away two thirds of the travel potential of every kWh of carbon-free electricity (or increasing the demand for carbon intensive electricity) will only make our challenge that much more difficult.
Let me make this so clear that even those addicted to willfully misinterpreting blog posts won’t be able to miss it: I really wish hydrogen fuel cells made sense for motor vehicles. I desperately want them or other technologies to work as well as car companies claim they will (some day), or even better. As much as I like the idea and the implementation of EV’s, I want us to find more and even better solutions to compete with and surpass them. The problem is that the combination of basic physics and chemistry, plus our existing electricity generation infrastructure, plus the overall timing of our situation, means that the answer to both the question in this post’s title and that in Bossel’s paper is, sadly, “No”.

[1] Yes, I’m mixing metric and American units like a psychotic, drunken chemist. I apologize if I made your brain flinch. I tried to use the units that are both most common for each step and most familiar to my largely US audience.
[2] Please note that cracking CH4 to get that hydrogen is a two-step process that no doubt requires a good bit of energy, which will increase the CO2 emissions even further, unless we make some wildly optimistic assumptions. And don’t even get me started on that consumption of 4.5 kg of water for every kg of H produced.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How many CPG? - Cows per gallon, that is

Greetings Peaksters

         There's a bunch of food in the news this week.  I heard an interesting interview with Lester Brown where he discussed the "Food Bubble".   Not that the price has been bid up to unsustainable heights, like the housing bubble.  But that the _ amount_ of food available is unsustainable.  That we have reached the limit of arable land and water.   He's been watching the grain market for decades, and in the past every time the price rose, farmers responding by bringing additional acres into production.   He doesn't think that's possible this time.

      He mentions one energy-food connection, that of ethanol, where the (subsidized) price of ethanol is causing 1/4 of the corn production to be taken off the food market.   Another interesting connection is the situation in North Africa,  where the citizens are rioting (in part) because of high food prices.  What if those political actions affected the flow of oil?   see

     " The ultimate nightmare would be a sort of vicious feedback loop in which high food prices cause turmoil in oil exporting nations thus reducing oil production, causing an oil price spike, which in turn would feed back into even higher food prices as farmers had to raise prices to cover their input costs and biofuel production was rendered more profitable."

      And speaking of the costs of inputs.    What about that cheese burger?

Oil and food prices

by Jason Bradford
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Several years ago National Geographic magazine published an article on oil that included a stunning photo of mature steer and the barrels of oil needed to grow an animal to that size. I recently went looking for that picture, found it, and post it here because it hasn’t lost its impact or relevance one bit.
Here’s the caption that accompanies that photo:
Weighing in at 1,250 pounds (567 kilograms), Marina Wilson’s champion steer Grandview Rebel is ready for auction at a county fair in Maryland. Raising this steer has taken an agricultural investment equal to 283 gallons (1,071 liters) of oil, represented here by the red drums. That includes everything from fertilizers on cornfields to the diesel that runs machinery on the farm. Overall, it takes three-quarters of a gallon of oil to produce a pound of beef.
Yowza! Three quarters of a gallon of oil to produce a pound of beef. At $4.00 per gallon, this implies the cost of a pound of beef includes $3.00 worth of oil.
In reality, the oil is used for illustrative purposes only. The energy in the food systems comes from many sources, such as natural gas for fertilizer and drying grains, and the electric grid for almost everything. Broadly, however, industrial energy sources tend to have correlated prices and oil is considered the lynch pin since it is involved in the transportation of all goods, including energy inputs.
Given the heavy use of oil in the food system wouldn’t you expect oil and food prices to correlate? Well they certainly do.
The above graph comes from the web site of Paul Chefurka and derives from easy to get, publicly available data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the US Energy Information Agency.

The Broad Context

While the price correlation is stunning, the big picture is even more interesting. Let’s look at this again from an energy perspective by comparing the energy content of one pound of meat with the 3/4 gallon of oil that goes into it. 3/4 gallons of oil is equivalent to 0.11 Giga Joules (GJ) of energy. A pound of meat averages about 1000 kilo calories, which equals a measly 0.0042 GJ.
Twenty six (26) units of fossil fuel energy goes into producing one (1) unit of food energy in the form of beef.
Agriculture was created as the primary way civilizations harness the energy that allows them to do work. Now, however, agriculture is simply another fossil fuel conversion system. While these fuels provide us with tremendous labor efficiency, we can no longer say we have an energy efficient way to make food since food production is now an energy sink.
Given the volatile and generally rising trends in energy costs, I believe we are in a transition between two periods. For the past several decades, fossil fuels could be counted on as readily available and cheap, which is what built the system we have. These non-renewable stocks have depleted to the point where we may no longer get the historic rates of flow we’ve depended on. Look ahead a bit then, and an advantage goes to systems that build renewable stocks and capture and convert renewable flows of energy.
In simple terms, this defines the need for sustainable agriculture. The renewable stocks we need to build include fertile topsoil. And the flows come from what plants, animals, fungi and microbes do with soil, water and sunlight.
Well, that’s the big picture. And if you want to learn the details of how this is done then this blog will be a worthwhile read.

Finally! A movie about overshoot, that's... funny!

Greetings Peaksters

        Anyone seen "How To Boil A Frog?"      Sort of Monty Python meets Al Gore.      Great stuff!

    Check it out.

I'm thinking about donating a copy to the library.  I am totally impressed.

      Not just because its funny - which I think is very important.  Because people might be willing to listen to something funny.  
       But because he doesn't sugar coat it.  He actually says stuff no one else seems to say
      Like that peak oil, climate change, dead zones and all the rest aren't the problem.  They are the symptom of the real problem  which is - Overshoot.    Too many people with appetites that are too big (and getting bigger) for the planet 
    Like that the problem will not be solved by buying more stuff - "green stuff" ; or by changing our light bulbs.    That small changes like that are totally swamped up by the rising tide of population.

   But despite getting real about the size and nature of the predicament, it wasn't depressing or fatalistic.  But kind of.... hopeful.    
- Show quoted text -

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our Sputnik Moment

Greetings Peaksters

       I for one enjoyed O's speech.   Although he did move to the center, I think its necessary in these troubled times.  Not mentioning peak oil  or climate change are probably good politics also.    

       Then again I have pretty low expectations.  And low hopes as well.  

       The best thing, of course would be for the nation to get energized about peak oil and climate change, and to start building the necessary infrastructure to make the switch to renewables.    Unfortunately I don't see that as a real possibility.   Not until the first, or second,  crisis hits.     What would that crisis look like?      Some sort disruption of oil flows fromj the mis east, I suppose   Perhaps then, we will start hearing about Apollo programs and such.

        Until then,  we could do a lot worse than a centrist president.     Newt Gringrich, anyone?

Obama's Sputnik Moment: Strategy Over Substance

by Asher Miller
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Barack ObamaDid you hear anything surprising in Obama's State of the Union address last night? Anything truly visionary? Me neither. Of course, that wasn't the point.
The SOTU was a continuation of what appears to be a strategic move to the political center, in preparation for a presidential campaign that's set to begin anew later this year.
Conventional wisdom would likely affirm this as a wise strategy: With split control of the Congress and a Republican Party apparently committed to denying the President any legislative wins whatsoever, few believe that the Administration has any shot of moving forward proposals that aren't endorsed by the other side of the aisle.
The thinking here is that Obama's best bet is that a split amongst the Republican base would tip undecideds and pro-business Republicans his way — especially if the Republicans nominate a Tea Party favorite and Obama makes sufficient gestures to win over corporate America. (This strategy, of course, is built on the assumption that liberal Democrats will hold their noses and vote for Obama in 2012 because they fear the alternative. Yes, progressives, he is taking you for granted. And if history repeats itself, this is another wise decision.)
Over the last two months, Obama has put this strategy into action — negotiating a compromise with Republicans that extended the Bush tax cuts and writing a curious op-ed in the Wall Street Journal aimed at reassuring corporations that he was willing to forego regulations for the sake of economic growth. His recentrebound in the polls seems to affirm the move. So if that's the goal, Obama accomplished everything he set out to achieve last night.
Of course, that's in the land of politics. Back in the "real" world of economic, energy, environmental, and equity crises, the gap between Obama's rhetoric and the kind of leadership that's required is stark. Below are some highlights of the energy portions of his speech:

Electricity Production

While the words "global warming" or "climate change" were conspicuously absent, Obama made investment in clean energy one of three pillars of his speech (the other two being education and the economy). He (re)stated a vision for 80% of our electricity to come from "clean" sources by 2035. That's great, except for this little disclaimer:
Some folks want wind and solar. Others want nuclear, clean coal, and natural gas. To meet this goal, we will need them all…
Considering that the US Energy Information Administration sees solar and wind playing a small supporting role in our energy future — as the below chart from PCI Fellow David Hughes' chapter in the Post Carbon Reader shows — it's understandable why Obama would want to include nuclear, coal, and natural gas in his definition of "clean energy." But wishing doesn't make it so.
"Clean coal" (ostensibly through carbon capture and sequestration) is both a blatant misnomer and impractical for all the reasons laid out by Richard Heinberg in Blackout: Coal, Climate, and the Last Energy Crisis and elsewhere. I won't belabor the point here.
Bolstered by industry claims of hundreds of years worth of unconventional natural gas discoveries and environmental groups' (laudable) campaigns against coal, natural gas is suddenly America's energy darling. But documentaries likeGasland and a spate of frightening media stories are exposing the dark side of natural gas hydro-fracturing, while studies by the Environmental Protection Agency seem to belie the common claim that natural gas emits far less greenhouse gas emissions than coal.
Though cleaner than fossil fuels, nuclear is incredibly capital and resource intensive to build and maintain — requiring a massive outlay of fossil fuels for construction and an equally massive amount of freshwater to cool. (I'll ignore the safety concerns for the sake of this discussion.) Perhaps even more important, none of the three is renewable. So, while we're thinking about massive investments in "clean energy" shouldn't we thinking about making sure those sources will actually sustain us in the long-term?


Perhaps the most substantive of all Obama's proposals was that related to high-speed rail.
Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80% of Americans access to high-speed rail, which could allow you [to] go places in half the time it takes to travel by car. For some trips, it will be faster than flying – without the pat-down. As we speak, routes in California and the Midwest are already underway…
Of course, within 25 years, the realities of peak oil are likely to make the percentage of Americans who travel long distance by train rather than planes or automobiles much higher, with or without the investment in high-speed rail (which Congressional Republicans seem likely to derail, at least in the near term). But that would be a major bummer to bring up. Much better to make it about those pesky pat-downs. On the "this sounds really groovy but something doesn't quite add up" front was the President's vision for continued happy motoring (to quote James Howard Kunstler).
With more research and incentives, we can break our dependence on oil with biofuels, and become the first country to have 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.
One million electric vehicles is a nice round number that happens to only be about 0.4% of the current passenger fleet in the US. So I hope the President knows something the rest of us don't about the prospects of next generation biofuels, something on the order of an energy miracle. I like miracles, really I do, but I've never actually, you know, seen one.


Another play calculated to win the approval of both progressives and conservatives was Obama's call to end subsidies for oil companies.
We need to get behind this innovation. And to help pay for it, I'm asking Congress to eliminate the billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies. I don't know if you've noticed, but they're doing just fine on their own. So instead of subsidizing yesterday's energy, let's invest in tomorrow's.
recent report by the Environmental Law Institute documented approximately $72 billion in subsidies for the fossil fuel industry between 2002-2008 - around $10 billion a year. If the Administration times a push for this right — say, to coincide with $4+/gallon of gas — and Obama can make a strong case that shifting these subsidies to fund the R&D investments he advocated for in his speech will be revenue neutral, perhaps he'll have a real shot at this. That'd be great.
But let's keep something in mind: $10 billion/year in fossil fuel subsidies is a rounding error on the amount of money we spend subsidizing our dependence on fossil fuels through highway construction projects and military operations in oil-rich regions of the world. While we're at it, we might want to look into that, too.
Ultimately, despite scoring high marks in public reactions immediately following the speech, Obama's own vision failed to set within sight the heights he called upon us to reach.
This is our generation's Sputnik moment. Two years ago, I said that we needed to reach a level of research and development we haven't seen since the height of the Space Race. And in a few weeks, I will be sending a budget to Congress that helps us meet that goal. We'll invest in biomedical research, information technology, and especially clean energy technology, an investment that will strengthen our security, protect our planet, and create countless new jobs for our people.
How he intends to invest sufficiently in this innovation while meeting his pledge to "freeze annual domestic spending for the next five years," and "bring discretionary spending to the lowest share of our economy since Dwight Eisenhower was president," will be very interesting to see. But as long as he, Bill Gates, and the rest of us continue to believe that technological innovation will solve all our economic, energy, environmental, and equity crises, it won't matter much.
The task we face is much more challenging than flying to the moon. And that task? Learning to live within nature's budget of renewable resources at rates of natural replenishment. The good news is that the greatest creativity and innovation comes in the face of constraints.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

80 by 2035

Greetings Peaksters

As many of you have heard, our prez has set a goal of having 80% of our electricity being generated from clean energy sources. This sounds pretty good to me. Of course the devil is in the details. First what qualifies as "clean"? Clearly not just wind solar and hydro. Ntual gas and clean coal get counted as partially clean.

Also it is interesting to compare this with the EIA's reference case, where abut 40% is "clean". But hey, you have to start somewhere.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

The onset of catabolic collapse

Greetings Peaksters

           The papers are filled with pictures of Obama and Hu.  I can't help but see this as a a ceremony of succession, as China prepares to take over as the dominant empire.   Which makes Greer' article on collapsing empires quite timely!

            If you haven't yet, I recommend you check out Greer's theory of "catabolic collapse".  

       Basically, if I understand it correctly, civilizations tend to grow until they have so much stuff and territory that they can't afford to maintain it.  Tainter talks in terms of complexity, with Greer its maintaining "capital".  According to Greer, when a society reaches the critical point, it must "catabolize" , eat up, the excess capital which it can no longer support. The society become smaller, small enough to live within its means.         

          Interestingly Greer asserts the US is  already well into its collapse. We are enterring stage two.  The first stage occurred in the 70's when  the US (and England)  "catabolized" their existing capital stock of heavy industry.  This freed up energy and money for other uses in society.  They  exported of manufacturing jobs overseas  (Since the 70's the percentage of US workers engaged in manufacturing dropped from over 25% to less than 10% )

       But, not to worry - stage two is not the end

"The fact that we’re moving into the second stage of our society’s long descent into catabolic collapse doesn’t mean that America will fall apart in the next decade or so; quite the contrary, it strongly suggests that America will not fall apart this time around. As the current round of catabolism picks up speed, a great many jobs will go away, and most of them will never return; a great many people who depend on those jobs will descend into poverty, and most of them will never rise back out of it; much of the familiar fabric of life in America as it’s been lived in recent decades will be shredded beyond repair, and new and far less lavish patterns will emerge instead; outside the narrowing circle of the privileged classes, even those who maintain relative affluence will be making do with much less than they or their equivalents do today. All these are ways that a society in decline successfully adapts to the contraction of its economic base and the mismatch between available resources and maintenance costs."

             In accordance with his "slow crash" theory Greer predicts that in thirty or forty years the US will be 

      "..... a Third World nation, with little more than dim memories remaining from its former empire or its erstwhile status as a superpower; it’s not at all impossible, for that matter, that it will be more than one nation, split asunder along lines traced out by today’s increasingly uncompromising culture wars. Fast forward another few decades, and another round of crises arrives, followed by another respite, and another round of crises, until finally peasant farmers plow their fields in sight of the crumbling ruins of our cities."

One interesting aspect that caught my eye is the idea that societies could put on the breaks and try to live sustainably - if they could stop acquiring more stuff.   

        " One implication of the model is that societies which persist over extended periods will tend to have social mechanisms for limiting the growth of capital, and thus artificially lowering M(p) below C(p). Such mechanisms do in fact exist in a wide range of societies. Among the most common are systems in which modest amounts of unproductive capital are regularly converted to waste. Examples include aspects of the potlatch economy among Native Americans of northwest North America414243 and the ritual deposition of prestige metalwork in lakes and rivers by Bronze and Iron Age peoples in much of western Europe.4445 Such systems have been interpreted in many ways,46 but in terms of the model presented here, one of their functions is to divert some of C(p) away from capital stocks requiring maintenance, thus artificially lowering W(c) and make a catabolic cycle less likely.
         (This ties in nicely with my own program - "Burn the Money" (TM) - under which  we cut off the proliferation of stuff at the root.   We would  engage in a "strategic build-down" of wealth, by  burning money - for instance  money burning parties; in civic events;  at school etc.   Unfortunately this hasn't really caught on yet  :>)) 

The onset of catabolic collapse

by John Michael Greer
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I’ve commented more than once in these essays on the gap in perception between history as it appears in textbooks and history as it’s lived by people on the spot at the time. That’s a gap worth watching, because the foreshortening of history that comes with living in the middle of it quite often gets in the way of figuring out a useful response to a time of crisis – for example, the one we’re in right now.
This is all the more challenging because the foreshortening of history cuts both ways; it makes small but sudden events look more important than they are, and it also helps hide slow but massive shifts that will play a much greater role in shaping the future. Recent increases in the price of oil, for example, kicked off a flurry of predictions suggesting that hyperinflation and the sudden collapse of industrial society are right around the corner; identical predictions were made the last time oil prices spiked, the time before that, and the time before that, too, so the traditional grain of salt may be worth adding to them this time around. (We’ll most likely get hyperinflation in the US, granted, but my guess is that that will come further down the road.) Look at all these price spikes and notice that the peaks and troughs have both tended gradually upwards, on the other hand, and you may just catch sight of the signal hidden in all that noise – the fact that providing industrial civilization with its most important fuel is loading a greater burden on the world’s economies with every year that passes.
The same gap in perception afflicts most current efforts to make sense of the future looming up ahead of us. Ever since my original paper on catabolic collapsefirst found its way onto the internet, I’ve fielded questions fairly regularly from people who want to know whether I think some current or imminent crisis will tip industrial society over into catabolic collapse in some unmistakably catastrophic way. It’s a fair question, but it’s based on a fundamental misreading both of the concept of catabolic collapse and of our present place in the long cycles of rise and fall that define the history of civilizations.
Let’s start with some basics, for the sake of those of my readers who haven’t waded their way through the fine print of the paper. The central idea of catabolic collapse is that human societies pretty consistently tend to produce more stuff than they can afford to maintain. What we are pleased to call “primitive societies” – that is, societies that are well enough adapted to their environments that they get by comfortably without huge masses of cumbersome and expensive infrastructure – usually do so in a fairly small way, and very often evolve traditional ways of getting rid of excess goods at regular intervals so that the cost of maintaining it doesn’t become a burden. As societies expand and start to depend on complex infrastructure to support the daily activities of their inhabitants, though, it becomes harder and less popular to do this, and so the maintenance needs of the infrastructure and the rest of the society’s stuff gradually build up until they reach a level that can’t be covered by the resources on hand.
It’s what happens next that’s crucial to the theory. The only reliable way to solve a crisis that’s caused by rising maintenance costs is to cut those costs, and the most effective way of cutting maintenance needs is to tip some fraction of the stuff that would otherwise have to be maintained into the nearest available dumpster. That’s rarely popular, and many complex societies resist it as long as they possibly can, but once it happens the usual result is at least a temporary resolution of the crisis. Now of course the normal human response to the end of a crisis is the resumption of business as usual, which in the case of a complex society generally amounts to amassing more stuff. Thus the normal rhythm of history in complex societies cycles back and forth between building up, or anabolism, and breaking down, or catabolism. Societies that have been around a while – China comes to mind – have cycled up and down through this process dozens of times, with periods of prosperity and major infrastructure projects alternating with periods of impoverishment and infrastructure breakdown.
A more dramatic version of the same process happens when a society is meeting its maintenance costs with nonrenewable resources. If the resource is abundant enough – for example, the income from a global empire, or half a billion years of ancient sunlight stored underground in the form of fossil fuels – and the rate at which it’s extracted can be increased over time, at least for a while, a society can heap up unimaginable amounts of stuff without worrying about the maintenance costs. The problem, of course, is that neither imperial expansion nor fossil fuel drawdown can keep on going indefinitely on a finite planet. Sooner or later you run into the limits of growth; at that point the costs of keeping wealth flowing in from your empire or your oil fields begin a ragged but unstoppable increase, while the return on that investment begins an equally ragged and equally unstoppable decline; the gap between your maintenance needs and available resources spins out of control, until your society no longer has enough resources on hand even to provide for its own survival, and it goes under.
That’s catabolic collapse. It’s not quite as straightforward as it sounds, because each burst of catabolism on the way down does lower maintenance costs significantly, and can also free up resources for other uses. The usual result is the stairstep sequence of decline that’s traced by the history of so many declining civilizations—half a century of crisis and disintegration, say, followed by several decades of relative stability and partial recovery, and then a return to crisis; rinse and repeat, and you’ve got the process that turned the Forum of imperial Rome into an early medieval sheep pasture.
It’s easy enough to track catabolic collapse at work in retrospect, when you can glance over a couple of centuries of decline in an evening with one of Michael Grant’s excellent histories of Rome in one hand and a glass of decent bourbon in the other. Catching it in process, though, can be a much more challenging task, because it happens on a scale considerably larger than a human lifespan. In its early stages, the signal is hard to tease out from ordinary economic and political fluctuations; later on, it’s all too easy to believe that any given period of stabilization has solved the problem, at least until the next wave of crises rolls in; late in the game, as crisis piles on top of crisis and cracks are opening up everywhere, your society’s glory days are so far in the past that it’s surprisingly easy to lose track of the fact that calamity isn’t the normal shape of things.
Still, the attempt is worth making, and I propose to make it here. In fact, I’d like to suggest that it’s possible at this point to provide a fairly exact date for the onset of catabolic collapse here in the United States of America.
That America is a prime candidate for catabolic collapse seems tolerably clear at this point, though I’m sure plenty of people can find reasons to argue with that assessment. It’s considered impolite to talk about America’s empire nowadays, but the US troops currently garrisoned in 140 countries around the world are not there for their health, after all, and it requires a breathtaking suspension of disbelief to insist that this global military presence has nothing to do with the fact that the 5% of our species that live in this country use around a quarter of the world’s total energy production and around a third of its raw materials and industrial products. The United States has an empire, then, and it’s become an extraordinarily expensive empire to maintain; the fact that the US spends as much money on its military annually as all the other nations on Earth put together is only one measure of the maintenance cost involved.
That America is also irrevocably committed to dependence on dwindling supplies nonrenewable fossil fuels also seems clear at this point, though here again there are plenty who would dispute the point. Even if there were other energy resources available in the same gargantuan amounts – and despite decades of enthusiastic claims, every attempt to deploy other energy resources to replace a significant amount of fossil fuels has run headfirst into crippling problems of scale – the political will to carry out a transition soon enough to matter has not been present, and the careful analyses in the 2005 Hirsch report are among the many good reasons for thinking that the window of opportunity for that transition is long past. The notion that America can drill its way out of crisis would be funny if the situation was not so serious; despite dizzyingly huge government subsidies and the best oil exploration and extraction technology on Earth, US oil production has been in decline since 1972. As the first nation to develop a commercial petroleum industry, it was probably inevitable that we would be among the very first to hit the limits to production and begin slipping down the arc of decline. As for coal and natural gas, the abundance of the former and the glut of the latter are the product of short term factors; while press releases aimed mostly at boosting stock prices insist that we’ll have supplies of both for centuries to come, more sober analysts have gotten past the hype and the hugely inflated reserve figures and predicted hard peaks for both fuels within thirty years, and quite possibly sooner.
That being the case, the question is simply when to place the first wave of catabolism in America – the point at which crises bring a temporary end to business as usual, access to real wealth becomes a much more challenging thing for a large fraction of the population, and significant amounts of the national infrastructure are abandoned or stripped for salvage. It’s not a difficult question to answer, either.
The date in question is 1974.
That was the year when the industrial heartland of the United States, a band of factories that reached from Pennsylvania and upstate New York straight across to Indiana and Michigan, began its abrupt transformation into the Rust Belt. Hundreds of thousands of factory jobs, the bread and butter of America’s then-prosperous working class, went away forever, and state and local governments went into a fiscal tailspin that saw many basic services cut to the bone and beyond. Meanwhile, wild swings in markets for agricultural commodities and fossil fuels, worsened by government policy, pushed most of rural America into a depression from which it has never recovered. In the terms I’ve suggested in this post, the US catabolized most of its heavy industry, most of its family farms, and a good half or so of its working class, among other things. It also set in motion the process of catabolizing one of the most important resources it had left at that time, the oil reserves of the Alaska North Slope. That oil could have been eked out over decades to cushion the transition to a low-energy future; instead, it was pumped and burnt at a breakneck pace in order to deal with the immediate crisis.
The United States was not alone in embracing catabolism in the mid-1970s. Britain abandoned most of its own heavy industry at the same time, plunging large parts of the industrial Midlands and Scotland into permanent depression, and set about catabolizing its own North Sea oil reserves with the same misplaced enthusiasm that American politicians lavished on the North Slope. The result was exactly what history would suggest; by embracing catabolism, the US and Britain both staggered through the crisis years of the 1970s and came out the other side into a breathing space of relative stability in the Reagan and Thatcher years,. That breathing space was extended significantly when the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, beginning in 1989, allowed American and British economic interests and their local surrogates to snap up wealth across Eurasia for pennies on the hundred-dollar bill, in the process imposing the same sort of economic collapse on most of a continent that had previously been inflicted on the steelworkers of Pittsburgh and the shipbuilders of Glasgow.
That breathing space ended in 2008. At this point, I’d suggest, we’re in the early stages of a second and probably more severe round of catabolism here in America, and throughout Europe as well. What happened to the industrial working class in the 1970s is now happening to a very broad swath of the middle class, as jobs evaporate, public services are slashed, and half a dozen states stumble down the slope that will turn them into the Rust Belt equivalents of the early 21st century. Exactly what will happen as that process continues is anybody’s guess, but it’s unlikely to end as soon as the round of catabolism in the 1970s, and it may very well cut deeper; neither we nor Britain nor any other of our close allies has a big new petroleum reserve just waiting to be tapped, after all.
It’s crucial to remember, though, that catabolism is a response to crisis and at least in the short term, much more often than not, an effective response. The fact that we’re moving into the second stage of our society’s long descent into catabolic collapse doesn’t mean that America will fall apart in the next decade or so; quite the contrary, it strongly suggests that America will not fall apart this time around. As the current round of catabolism picks up speed, a great many jobs will go away, and most of them will never return; a great many people who depend on those jobs will descend into poverty, and most of them will never rise back out of it; much of the familiar fabric of life in America as it’s been lived in recent decades will be shredded beyond repair, and new and far less lavish patterns will emerge instead; outside the narrowing circle of the privileged classes, even those who maintain relative affluence will be making do with much less than they or their equivalents do today. All these are ways that a society in decline successfully adapts to the contraction of its economic base and the mismatch between available resources and maintenance costs.
Twenty or thirty or forty years from now, in turn, it’s a fairly safe bet that the years of crisis will come to a close and a newly optimistic America will reassure itself that everything really is all right again. The odds are pretty high that by then it will be, for all practical purposes, a Third World nation, with little more than dim memories remaining from its former empire or its erstwhile status as a superpower; it’s not at all impossible, for that matter, that it will be more than one nation, split asunder along lines traced out by today’s increasingly uncompromising culture wars. Fast forward another few decades, and another round of crises arrives, followed by another respite, and another round of crises, until finally peasant farmers plow their fields in sight of the crumbling ruins of our cities.
That’s the way civilizations end, and that’s the way ours is ending. The phrasing is deliberate: "is ending," not "will end." If I’m right, we’re already half a lifetime into the decline and fall of industrial civilization. It can be challenging to keep that awareness in mind when wrestling with the day to day details of getting by in an ailing, sclerotic nation with a half-failed economy – or, for that matter, when trying out some of the technologies and tricks I’ve been discussing here in recent months. Still, it’s worth making the attempt, because the wider view arguably makes it a bit easier to keep current events in perspective and plan for the future in which we will all, after all, be spending the rest of our lives.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Where we are

Greetings Peaksters

I recently stumbled upon a nice blog by George Mobus, a professor at UW (Tacoma) who has recently done some work with Charles Hall. see ( I am just starting to work through his website, which is very interesting

Below is a picture of what is happening. A couple of things jump out to me. The first is that the graph is not a bell curve. Instead we find that humanity uses the easy energy first, then later when the hard energy is all that is left, the costs are too high, and production drops off rather steeply. This is somewhat different than the Bell Curve we are used to seeing in the Hubbert models.

He says: "The increases in energy costs as a result of the Best-First principle are shown in Graph 1, along with gross and net energies. This model is based on an increase in extraction difficulty as a result of depletion. It does not depend on an explicit logistic function and can be seen to not be symmetrical about the peak of gross energy extraction."

Secondly note there are two peaks. One for gross energy. That's the number that gets reported by the IEA et al. But probably more significant is the peak in net energy,. From that point of we have less and less extra energy to run the rest of the economy. He suggests that the net energy peak will precede the gross by about 30 years.

"Now we are either approaching or already past point C. Peak oil may not be the same as the peak of total energy flow, but it is probably pretty close. The reason is that oil is the most usable of all the fuels we use. It takes a lot of diesel fuel, for example, to remove mountain tops and dig the coal seams as well as transport the coal to the power plants. So oil plays a role as a king pin energy source. When it reaches the peak of extraction rate, the costs of extraction of other fossil fuels will surely start to climb meaning that total net energy will decline.
One of the semi-surprising results of my physical model is the revelation that the peak of net energy precedes that of gross energy by some number of years, perhaps ~30. This makes sense on first principles and if we are near or approaching the peak of gross energy extraction then we have likely already passed the peak of net energy — the energy we absolutely need to maintain our civilization."

Question Everything: Peak Energy - Peak Economy

He takes this analysis one step further by looking at wealth . As we know all too well, these days productive enterprises are not funded through savings, but through debt. Debt is the promise to pay later once the enterprise succeeds. But will the enterprise succeed in an environment of declining net energy? Not according to Mobus.

Graph 2. Assets are produced as a function of net energy according to the equation above. This graph is for the aggregate of all asset types as described above. Assets decay or are consumed at a rate less than production as long as net energy is in its pre-peak phase. Assets continue to accumulate and the peak of asset accumulation comes after net and gross have both peaked.

. "The vertical line marked ‘today’ is an arbitrarily placed marker for peak oil, presumed to have already happened (reports on various energy web sites strongly suggest this). If this is the case, then we are already into the red region where it is impossible to create debt-based financing (legitimately) since there is absolutely no possibility of paying off that debt with future work resulting in greater asset accumulation. Is it possible that this is exactly the problem we are seeing in our heavily debt reliant economy today? Our financial systems have clearly gotten out of sync with our real asset producing economy. We are in the throes of debt-unwind and very possibly massive defaults as nations, corporations, and individuals (who have no jobs) are incapable of promising to work more in the future to pay back their obligations. Those who would loan money (claims on assets) to those who propose to create new wealth would do well to reconsider since the model suggests that it will be impossible to even get back the principal, let alone the interest."

     Which sounds eerily similar to Heinberg's  recent essay  where he does a nice job of describing the various categories Governmental, personal institutional, and Charlie's favorite "delusional" (financial)

"A single statistic is revealing: in the U.S., the ratio of total debt to GDP rose to more than 300 percent by 2005, exceeding the previous record of 290 percent achieved immediately prior to the stock market crash of 1929. External debt, what the U.S. owes the rest of the world, increased to $3 trillion, this capital balance having been in surplus just a few years previously.
Remember: in a system in which money is created through bank loans, there is never enough money in existence to pay back all debts with interest. The system only continues to function as long as it is growing.
So, what happens to this mountain of debt in the absence of economic growth? Answer: Some kind of debt crisis. And that is what we are seeing"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gas Prices and Driving Miles

Greetings Peaksters

One our fondest hopes is that as gas prices rise, people will change their habits - drive less, car pool more, maybe even take mass transit!
However as these startling graphs show, people are pretty stuck in their ways. People like to point to 73-74 and 78-80 to support the view that American drivers respond to prices, And it is true that prices rose and VMT fell during those periods. However it appears that the decline in driving was not _caused _ by the rise in prices
Take a look at 2002 through 2008. Gas prices more than _doubled_ rising from from $1.50 to $3.50. Motorists responded by the same amount!
No it appears that the only thing that will get Americans out of their cars is a recession, as we see in 73-74; 78=80 and 2008-2010. And even then, the reduction is minimal. The reduction is quickly lost during the next recovery. And over time the amount we drive just keeps rising.

Final note: These are per capita figures. What happens is you add in population increases?

Graph Shows Influence of Gasoline Price on Miles Driven in the U.S. : TreeHugger

gas prices and driving graph image
Image: Stanford, based on data from the EIA, FHA, and Brookings Institution, and NYT graph.