Peak Oil and Ebola
Doctor , doctor, Mr MD
Can you tell me what ailing me
- Young Rascals
I don't need no doctor
cause I know whats ailing me
-Ray Charles
Cheap energy has created the world we live in. For many of us, it is a world of excitement, leisure, and satisfaction. We have access to cultural centers teaming with interesting diversions. We have the ability to take a plane to the far corners of the globe. Products from every nation are brought daily to our stores.
But these very properties can be problematic in dealing with infectious diseases. Earlier pandemics were generally local affairs, taking long times to move from one area to another. Now, thanks to ubiquitous air travel, everyone is a "neighbor" to everyone else. Lagos Nigeria ,and Dallas Texas are basically "next door". Cities provide multiple opportunities for contact with person infected.
Here's a thoughtful piece from Mary Odum , ecologist, system thinker and nurse, about some aspects of our situation. Having come to the end of cheap oil, the complexity of the modern world will no doubt decrease. All the extra energy and money we formerly threw in the direction of health care, will shrink.
Just in time to deal with a potential heal care crisis. If not Ebola, then in all likelihood some other anti biotic resistant bug
Is Ebola really something to worry about.? Here's the view from Laurie Garret, Pulitzer prize winning journalist, who wrote "the book"on plagues. " The Coming Plague" You are not nearly scared enough. It's extremely deadly killing 70% of those who come in contact. the number of victimes double evry 20 days. And it doesn't take much contact to get infected. Which explains the use of doctors attempting to aide patients in "moon suits"
Is our complex high tech system ready to deal with a highly infectious pandemic.? Yes and no.
As Mary Odum points out, the US has the "technical " ability to deal with Ebola, and to prevent its further spread. But any system is only as good as its weakest link.
Our high-transformity healthcare system is probably the biggest problem with community/hospital preparedness. The two imported EVD patients at Emory Hospital reportedly created 40 bags of medical waste per day. Logistics of caring for patients with a deadly illness would snarl routine care in unimaginable ways–probably one reason sick healthcare providers are returning to different flagship hospitals experienced in infection control, for trial runs with the process. Thechain of infection involves six different steps which all need to be attended to, and in a high transformity environment, those issues expand. Perencevich illustrates this problem when he discusses PPE, saying “over-protection does not equal protection,” which also applies overall, to the relative protection of high resource availability. In an era of a shrinking emergy basis, especially in complex hierarchies such as hospitals or cities, a sudden pulse of disorder from the larger scale such as a pandemic may create just as much chaos, if not more, as it does in a low-resource system. Over-protection in one corner of the system does not make us safe from gaps in the chain of infection in other segments of the situation where less control exists. Even if we are assiduous in hospital settings, once EVD lands by air and gains a foothold, transmission might occur in other concentrated community settings where infections spread, such as cities, schools, prisons, and military operations. We are in uncharted territory here, and how this plague unfolds in other countries remains to be seen.
Here's what National Nurses United says:
In a strongly worded statement Friday, National Nurses United called on U.S. hospitals to "immediately upgrade" their emergency policies, citing preliminary data from a survey of almost 700 registered nurses working in 250 hospitals across 31 states.The results of the study are pessimistic, to say the least. Of the nurses surveyed, a staggering 80 percent said their hospital “has not communicated to them any policy regarding potential admission of patients infected by Ebola.” Nearly 40 percent said their hospital has no apparent plans to properly equip isolation rooms, and a third said their hospital does not have sufficient supplies to treat the disease."
The virus is constantly evolving, as viruses do. It is seen as extremely unlikely that it will evolve in a way that will permit it to be transmitted in an airborne manner. More likely would be a version that would be somewhat less lethal. Here's what Professor Peter Piot, who worked with the team that discovered Ebola in 1976 says. from here
"Could the virus suddenly change itself such that it could be spread through the air?Like measles, you mean? Luckily that is extremely unlikely. But a mutation that would allow Ebola patients to live a couple of weeks longer is certainly possible and would be advantageous for the virus. But that would allow Ebola patients to infect many, many more people than is currently the case.But that is just speculation, isn't it?Certainly. But it is just one of many possible ways the virus could change to spread itself more easily. And it is clear that the virus is mutating"
So, what's this got to do with peak cheap oil? I'm not saying that Ebola is going to be a big problem for the US. All signs indicate that it won't be . But lets' look at in another way. Why is it such a problem in Africa? Well, obviously they have low tech medicine, and less money, less trained people. Just the sorts of problems we will will have, as we travel down the other side of Hubbert's curve. Perhaps the experience in Greece will give us a hint. of what's to come.
"Public health in Greece grew worse in the years of the world financial crisis, the Greek debt crisis and the austerity measures that followed, according to the study, which was published today in the American Journal of Public Health.The impact of the cuts on health was larger than expected, and should inform policies in other counties, including the U.S., the researchers said.“We were expecting that these austerity policies would negatively affect health services and health outcomes, but the results were much worse than we imagined,” Dr. Elias Kondilis, lead author and a researcher at Aristotle University, said in statement.
Will we still have air conditioned moon suits? How about plastic throw away medical tools? How about high tech ambulances, with EMT's in moon suits? Who will pay for it?
see more: Ebola and the weak link of Public Health
Energy and Public Health: The Challenge of Peak Petroleum
By Mary Odum

We are in uncharted territory with the Ebola virus disease (EVD). The last time we had a plague that was this deadly was the Black Death in the 14th century, when there were only 450 million people in the world. That pandemic killed 30% to 70% of the population. There is no benchmark for EVD, which kills 3 out of 4 people it touches, and is emerging into a global population of 7 billion.

This pandemic signifies a turning point for society in response to peak oil, highlighting the problem of globalization for a planet of 7 billion people. We have lost control of a deadly outbreak, and our responses to its exponential growth are linear at best, ensuring that this plague will most likely spread further. Many in first world countries think we are immune to plagues. How might transmission of EVD change as it moves from a low-resource or low-transformity setting in West Africa to resource-rich (high-transformity) countries? How might the battle against this epidemic change as it breaks out into different environments?
World views in transition
Media pundits have labeled recent world events with the words “perfect storm.” The use of this term suggests a rare and unusual event that comes once in a lifetime. But the term also suggests that our world view is incomplete. First world views of society are dependent on the preservation of infinite growth. When we lack the world view to explain a new phenomenon, especially when denial is a reason, our brains may assemble responses that displace our fears, or blame the situation on powerful control from the top, and not a global system in transition during descent. We lack the systems view to explain predicted outcomes of descent. But crises not only sharpen one’s focus; crises also restructure dysfunctional paradigms.

Public health has gotten a free ride in the fossil fuel era, as everyone’s socioeconomic status, including sanitation, clean water, and healthy, safe food improved. That process of rising socioeconomic status during the last 200 years occurred because of fossil fuels, but because fossil fuels have been ubiquitous, we did not see it. Rosling’s video from Gapminder on 200 Years That Changed the Worldidentifies the trend, but misses the cause. His plots could be better expressed by plotting life expectancy against global per capita fossil fuel use. Our first world exceptionalism is a function of fossil fuels and the hierarchy of complexity and not some special character trait.
In energy descent, the energy basis for our public health basis will decline. Maintaining public health in local communities will need more effort and resources, especially in response to disasters from the larger scale. But Americans in particular will no longer have the resources to act as the world’s healthcare provider or police officer. The world’s population growth has created a situation where top-down control during a crisis is not possible.
High resource versus low resource systems
The epidemiological triangle consists of host, agent, and environment. The future of this epidemic will be dependent on the different environments that it travels to, as well as host factors in different countries, and agent factors as the virus mutates. EVD has only affected low resource healthcare systems historically. What might be different in a high-resource (high-transformity) system which might make combatting this disease easier or harder?

Pandemic factors related to the agent, the virus, include the relative infectivity, in terms of the R0 (R-zero or R-nought) and Case Fatality Rate (CFR). The R0 of this disease is relatively high for a disease that is not considered very contagious, estimated at between 1.4 and 2.0, which is higher than seasonal flu, for which there is some population immunity. The CFR is somewhere between 70 to 80%, which is twenty-fold greater than the death rate of flu. Though epidemiologists claim that this disease is not very infectious, we have my heroes and heroines, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) walking around in cobbled-together moonsuits with no exposed skin, but who are still getting infected, either in hospital settings directly, or indirectly through the community. One apparent gap is treating unsuspected Ebola patients with universal precautions, when heightened droplet precautions with visors and N-95 or N-100 masks are really what is required, especially during procedures where aerosols occur.
Host and environmental factors that might speed transmission in first world countries are related to a high-transformity system that loses control. High mobility is one of the biggest cultural factors of a high-transformity system. A high-transformity system could potentially create a larger R0, since there is a larger ecological footprint, with highly mobile imports and exports, reliance on services, and a 3-day shelf-life for goods. Americans have to shop to survive, and economic growth is our main imperative. We must work to keep our economy and wall street humming–shutting down the economy is unthinkable to most.
Host and environmental factors in first world countries that might slow transmission include less density in housing such as nuclear families, better public health, sanitation, water, and nutrition, more healthcare providers, and better handwashing. The case for handwashing as protection in first world countries is arguable—we have the means, but do we do it?

Our high-transformity healthcare system is probably the biggest problem with community/hospital preparedness. The two imported EVD patients at Emory Hospital reportedly created 40 bags of medical waste per day. Logistics of caring for patients with a deadly illness would snarl routine care in unimaginable ways–probably one reason sick healthcare providers are returning to different flagship hospitals experienced in infection control, for trial runs with the process. Thechain of infection involves six different steps which all need to be attended to, and in a high transformity environment, those issues expand. Perencevich illustrates this problem when he discusses PPE, saying “over-protection does not equal protection,” which also applies overall, to the relative protection of high resource availability. In an era of a shrinking emergy basis, especially in complex hierarchies such as hospitals or cities, a sudden pulse of disorder from the larger scale such as a pandemic may create just as much chaos, if not more, as it does in a low-resource system. Over-protection in one corner of the system does not make us safe from gaps in the chain of infection in other segments of the situation where less control exists. Even if we are assiduous in hospital settings, once EVD lands by air and gains a foothold, transmission might occur in other concentrated community settings where infections spread, such as cities, schools, prisons, and military operations. We are in uncharted territory here, and how this plague unfolds in other countries remains to be seen.

In a low-resource system, waste is minimal, with infectious mattresses as one of the most complicated waste disposal problems. Contrast the 40 bags of waste per patient day in a hospital in Atlanta with the low-resource system for personal protection devised by Fatu Kekula, a nursing student of Liberia who made her own PPE with trash bags and kept her family alive. Kenyan and Malian hospital workers have made their own local alcohol handrubs from sugar cane. In a low-resource system, adaptation to a disordering pulse may be easier as people are more likely to be inventive, independent generalists, not as psychologically or physically reliant on a highly specialized hierarchy of goods and services. Frieden illustrates the problem of waste, suggesting that even in a low-resource setting,
“to pick up one body you might need nine full changes of PPE [personal protective equipment]. Four for the people to put the corpse onto the truck. One for the person to spray them down so they don’t get infected. And then again four to take them off the truck” (Frieden, Sept. 29, 2014).
In a high resource setting, how many more changes of disposable PPE would be required in order to comply with standards and maintain safety for this one task alone, for the multiple specialties involved? And many high-transformity systems are automated. What additional disinfection requirements would be needed with those, and how much equipment would simply have to be discarded (and where)? EVD in a high-transformity setting quickly slides down a rabbit hole of receding compliance and expanding demands on resources. High-transformity healthcare systems will need to adopt lower-transformity methods such as reusable or resterilizable equipment fairly quickly in order to keep up with this epidemic over the longer term.

EVD introduction to the US is probably more likely by plane than by boat, as a boat allows time for the disease to emerge. A recent model suggested that an 80% reduction in air travel would slow the introduction of EVD to the US, but not stop it. We won’t reduce air travel by 80%

because it’s bad for business, and we can’t reduce air travel by 100%, because we live in a society with a 3-day shelf life—shutting down any sort of commerce is inconceivable to most, and is also political suicide. In another run of the same model, the US had similar risk of introduction as Nigeria, most likely based on the assumption of direct flights creating virtual neighbors. The volume of infection in other countries eventually makes its way everywhere, through the wonders of modern air travel. The Black Death took 8 years to spread to Europe through eastern trade routes–camels are slower than airplanes. I am getting a good geography lesson as I watch the news and see suspected EVD patients popping up in obscure parts of the world.
Host and environmental factors that impact fitness include genetic, cultural, systemic, and behavioral factors. Genetic fitness of the population is enhanced when there is less medical rescue, and less high-tech medicine resulting in patient sub-populations with immunosuppression or other genetic vulnerabilities. There is also the issue of increased background radiation as the result of various nuclear accidents. The radiation background in many countries has increased in the last 65 years, especially post-Fukushima.
Think globally, act locally?

A thermodynamic principle explains the quandary—a proposed 5th thermodynamic law of Transformity states that “You shorten the cumulative length of the game the more you steal.” We build hierarchies of complexity if there is surplus energy available. Those hierarchies of complexity include high-transformity items like computerized heart rate monitors for Americans’ PPE. By doing so, however, and contributing to increasing inequities, we shorten the length of the game by exposing the hierarchy to instabilities such as plagues. Are urban centers, which were created by surplus fossil fuels, more dangerous in plagues, especially in descent?

Political leaders are already talking about global health teams, more funding for vaccine research, and what we will do when the next pandemic hits. Or people worry about eating imported bushmeat, when they only have to look as far as the next Delta flight for the source of contagion. This rush to speak about Ebola in the past tense is a leap in thinking past the crisis at hand, which seems to be a form of denial and displacement anxiety. Americans similarly protect their psyches when they focus farsightedly on climate change as our biggest threat. We deny and displace our broader worries about society today with competing narrativesof safe threat that could occur in the relatively distant future. Prevention in the form of contact tracing, surveillance, and local quarantine appears to be the way to combat this disease, but surveillance only works if we can move past denial and irrational or panicky behavior. If an outbreak isn’t prevented locally, it could get out of hand quickly. Where is the United States’ awareness campaign, for example? Our media and leadership actions so far don’t suggest that a candid, direct public health perspective is in the forefront. Our actions instead are focused on stirring up war.
With waning fossil fuels, the answers to resilience in general lie in relocalization and simplification. We need to ask ourselves, “Does my action further new relocalized society or does it further the old growth regime? Does my action work to improve socioeconomic status at the bottom of the pyramid, or serve to make inequities worse through a taller pyramid?” Actions now during a time of social destabilization could be particularly effective.
In addition to basic personal preps, including gloves, masks, and bleach, my global action is to give to MSF, as I cannot bear to see caregivers without gloves. But mostly my actions will go towards volunteering at the local community level to strengthen localcommunity preparedness, since I believe in relocalization. I signed up for the American Red Cross this week, in response to a comment bySally Sellers, RN, in an earlier post.
“I’m currently working on my MSN and conducted a field community preparedness project this past summer in response to climate change threats. What an eye opener! I became a Red Cross volunteer to get a first hand look at Orlando’s preparedness . . . it is a total illusion. A wing and prayer is what we’ve got. Here we are a metro-city of more than a million strong and 4 . . . count them four…nurse volunteers for the health services for central Florida. Since my project the Red Cross has actually cut back and reduced paid staff state wide due to lack of funding. This might not be so bad but the surrounding counties have cut their employees who would serve as shelter operators and have instituted plans to rely on the Red Cross volunteers! One county even cut its #311 county wide emergency call system for lack of funds.”
The answer lies in a smaller society, with simpler, basic healthcare for everyone—less healthcare, but we can hope that everybody gets some, resulting in healthier communities and society. Nature will take care of the smaller society, as wars beget famine and pestilence which beget wars.
All recent posts on Ebola can be found using the category pull-down menu at upper left, or at this link.
Didier Pittet, an expert on handwashing, at TedX, on the multi-cultural complexity of changing handwashing behaviors, which requires a“multimodal behavior change strategy. . . . One must dare to disagree. . . Clean hands save lives.”
Header Art: Triumph of Death, Peter Breugel the Elder, 1562. Interestingly, Breugel painted the Tower of Babel a year before he painted Triumph of Death.
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